LinkedIn recently introduced several new video-oriented features. They have not been widely publicized, but you may find them very interesting. The one I am most interested in trying out is the LinkedIn Cover Story, which gives you the opportunity to introduce your profile via video.

What It Is

Similar to the video profile image function on Facebook, your LinkedIn Cover Story Video lives in the same space – but does not replace – your profile photo. The video can be a maximum of 20 seconds long. After uploading your cover video, you’ll see an orange circle appear around your profile image. In search functions, your profile photo will still appear as normal. However, when a viewer clicks on your profile, your Cover Story Video will automatically begin playing silently in your profile image circle. Users can then choose to click on the video to activate the sound.

Why Create A Video?

A video gives you more of an opportunity to share your personality, enables job seekers to share a quick video overview of their skills and experience, and allows business owners to promote their products and services via a quick intro clip. It may give you a bit of an edge over the crowd on the site.

How Do I Create My Video?

Currently, you must use the LinkedIn phone app to upload or record your Cover Story. After saving the video, however, it is viewable on both desktop and mobile.

Tips for Making Your Video Cover Story

Here are a few suggestions for making the best of your video opportunity:
  1. Determine the goal of your video. Looking for new job opportunities? Want to promote yourself as a thought leader or grow your LinkedIn following? Determine your primary goal to figure out how best to organize your video.
  2. Outline your script. Make note of key phrases for your introduction, your primary message, and your conclusion.
  3. Write the script. Using your outline, fill it out with more detailed information. Read your sentences out loud as you write to ensure it flows and sounds like you.
  4. Have people you trust review your script. Seek out feedback from several different people. Take their feedback and make adjustments to your video story script until you’re sure it communicates your message well.
  5. Practice, practice, practice. Review your script several times before shooting the video. The more comfortable you are with your lines, the more natural you’ll appear, plus you’ll save time re-recording the video.
  6. Set up your video shoot. Pay attention to the quality of your lighting and sound. Have sufficient light coming from in front of you, remove noise or visual distractions, and try several angles to find one that’s flattering.
  7. Wear a professional outfit you feel confident in. Wearing something you look and feel good in gives you an instant boost that shows.
  8. Shoot your video. Hold for a few seconds at the beginning and end of your video to allow room for editing. Record the script a few times so you can choose your favorite.
  9. Edit your video if needed. There are a number of options to consider using, including iMovie, InShot, or Premiere Pro.
  10. Upload your video. Once you’re happy with the video, save it to your desktop or phone and upload it to the LinkedIn Cover Story Video section of your profile.

A Few Ideas for Content

Outline your career highlights
What are you most proud of in your career? Share information from recent projects, an award you received, or a story about how your team pulled off a big accomplishment.
Share your passion
Let viewers hear about topics you care about and what they can expect to see from you in your posts on LinkedIn. This works well if you’re looking to grow your brand and professional network.
Highlight your areas of expertise
What are your top three skills? Share those, along with any special training or certifications you have. This works well for both job seekers and those looking to promote their brand.
Share your services/offers
This is especially useful for freelancers or contractors looking for new clients and projects. Give a brief overview of your offerings and direct viewers to where they can connect with you for more information.

A Verbal Alternative

Not ready for a full video experience? Using your LinkedIn phone app, you can now add a brief verbal message to your profile photo! It’s ostensibly to help people pronounce your name, but you can use it to promote yourself, too! Click on View Profile and the pencil to edit. Click on Record Name Pronunciation. Depress the blue microphone during the entire process and speak clearly. You have 10 seconds. You can re-record until you are satisfied. Tap Apply when you are done and click Save in the upper right corner. The recording will display as a sound icon next to your name. There you have it! If you try either of these new options, send me a link, I’d love to see you “live!”