3 Tips to Make your Slides Look Modern

3 Tips to Make your Slides Look Modern

It’s Spring, and time to freshen up your presentation’s look and feel. I’ve recently discovered a presentation blogger named Craig Hadden. His blog is Remote Possibilities and it is worth reading. His post from December had three excellent suggestions to give your...
Starting Off the Year on the Right Foot

Starting Off the Year on the Right Foot

It’s a new year, and a common resolution is to get in shape. That’s a great idea for your business as well! As the New Year kicks off, here a a few items you might want to shape up, especially if you’ve not done so in recent memory. Your logo is one...
8 Ways to Thank Your Customers or Vendors

8 Ways to Thank Your Customers or Vendors

It’s amazing how far a simple “thank you” can go, whether it’s in your personal or your business life. When it comes to customers, only 9% leave because of what a competitor offers, but 68% of businesses have lost a customer because they felt...
Bleed? Vector? CMYK? Whaaa?

Bleed? Vector? CMYK? Whaaa?

Graphic design terms can be confusing to those outside of the industry. However, knowing a few common terms can help you communicate your needs and desired result to a designer or printer you’re considering for a project, reducing potential issues, and maybe...
5 Common PowerPoint Mistakes to Avoid

5 Common PowerPoint Mistakes to Avoid

Because it is so readily available and easy to use, PowerPoint is still considered the default presentation solution. However, that ease of access and simplicity can also lead to bad presentation habits. Here’s how to avoid the five biggest issues. Using...